Angie’s List: Proper Pool Maintenance
MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – With the heat of the summer in full force taking a quick dip in a backyard pool is a dream for many. To keep the dream of owning a pool from becoming a nightmare, proper maintenance and cleaning is essential.
A clean pool depends on having the necessary chemicals at the proper levels. Waiting too long to check chemical levels or adding the wrong amounts can mean waking up to a murky mess of green water.
“Customers don’t realize how important the P-H is, your alkalinity, and your chlorine levels in your swimming pool for your sanitizers, because chlorine will not work properly unless the P-H is right between a 7-2 and 7-6,” says Elden Foltz of SHS Pool & Spa Service.
John Willey maintains his own pool and knows first-hand that it can be complicated – and costly – if you don’t take the time to educate yourself.
“I would certainly recommend taking a class, making sure that you understand the functionality of not only the equipment, but more importantly the chemical and the chemical balance of the pool and how it should be maintained on a regular basis.”
Having a pool isn’t all fun and games – regular chores include skimming daily, vacuuming weekly and scrubbing down the walls as often as needed.
“It’s very important to brush your swimming pool. It helps prevent any problems, especially algae that’s growing on the walls. You can get it before it actually goes on there,” says Foltz.
If you have children or pets, investing in a pool cover can add a level of safety and peace of mind but that’s not all pool covers are good for.
“Many people think about their pool cover as a safety issue, but it can actually help you maintain your pool better. By keeping your pool covered, it can keep your pool temperature from dropping at night. Additionally, it can reduce the evaporation from the pool, which can extend the life of the chemicals,” says Angie’s List founder Angie Hicks.
There are many types of pool covers, so Angie says to research all options before you buy. And if you hire a pool service for regular maintenance, she recommends getting a detailed list of services performed and chemicals added on each visit, so you can keep up with how it’s being maintained.