Citizen-led tours connecting neighbors, encouraging conversation

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – To build up a city, it requires a community to come together.

That’s why Macon Bike Walk is doing, by bringing Jane’s Walk to Macon as part of Macon Bike Walk Month.

Jane’s Walk is an initiative of free, citizen-led walking tours. Rachel Hollar, Executive Director of Bike Walk Macon came on 41Today to talk about it. Bentley Hudgins, an activist and tour guide for one of the walks, came on as well.

Hudgins is leading a tour with a friend called Yuppie Activism about Macon’s government, personal narratives about how to get your voice heard and relevant activist events.

The other scheduled tours are Macon’s First Baptist Churches, Downtown Photo Walk, Napier Heights: Architectural Gems in Decay are Worth Saving, Experience the Beauty Beyond the Blight, and Rocking Ride!

For more information about the events and for the schedule visit

May 1, 2017 | Posted in