Community program seeks solutions to end violence

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – This weekend, you can pay tribute to the 1995 Million Man March that happened in Washington, D.C.

George Fadil Muhammad hosts the Making Our Priority Community. The program focuses on the following:

  • Creating healthy family lifestyles
  • Building economic development through unity
  • Stopping senseless violence and killing
  • Making neighborhoods a decent place to live

Muhammad says a number of powerful movements stemmed from the Million Man March.

“October 16, 1995, almost two million black men came to Washington D.C. to stand for their families, atone for the wrongs, and to bring forth a better life for all,” Muhammad said. “So today, we want to revive that spirit because we have some very powerful tools.”

Muhammad says one of those tools is the Million Man March pledge. The pledge focuses on eight steps of atonement which aid to stop violence within the African-American community.

The event will showcase inspirational speakers, food, and solutions.

Event information

What:   A Tribute to the Spirit of the Million Man March Legacy
When:  Saturday, October 12 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Frank Johnson Recreation Center, 2227 Mercer University Drive (Unionville)
Admission: Free admission

October 8, 2019 | Posted in