Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful wants your Christmas trees
MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – In exchange for recycling your Christmas tree, Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful (KMBB) will give you a bag of mulch and tree sapling.
Pam Carswell, President and CEO of KMBB, stopped by the 41NBC studio to talk about ‘Bring One for the Chipper.’
For the first time in 25 years, KMBB’s drop-off location for trees will not be at Central City Park. It will be in the empty lot next to the Burger King on Riverside Drive. The location had to be moved because of renovations to Central City Park.
You can drop off your tree January 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. KMBB will give you a free bag of mulch and tree sapling in exchange for your tree.
December 26, 2016 | Posted in Community