MWA hosting 15th Annual Kids Fishing Derby
MACON, Georgia (WMGT/41NBC) – Fishing is an activity that’s been around for centuries. This weekend, the Macon Water Authority is hosting its 15th Annual Kids Fishing Derby so families can join in on this fun outdoor recreational activity.
The derby is normally in June, but it’s been moved up to March so its participants can fish for Rainbow Trout. Prizes will be awarded to the person who gets the biggest catch of the day and the person who catches the biggest Rainbow Trout.
The derby is free for children 3 to 16, but they must being their own bait and tackle. The 15th Annual Kids Fishing Derby is Saturday, March 7th at Javors Lucas Lake in Macon. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., fishing starts at 8 a.m. and the weigh in is at 11 a.m.
March 5, 2020 | Posted in Community