Perry High Wins State Championship
PERRY, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Perry High School won first place at the State AAAA One Act Play competition on Saturday.
They performed “The Taste of Sunrise”, a tale about a young man’s journey through his childhood from the fever dream that took his hearing, to the language of nature which he shares with his beloved father, to the deaf school where his mind explodes with the discovery of sign language. After the death of his father, he must navigate the perilous path of loss, love and language as he struggles to weave a family out of wishes.
The public is invited to watch them perform again, November 13, 2013 at the Perry High School auditorium at 7:30p.m. Admission is $5 at the door.
For more information, please contact Sendek at 478-988-6298, ext. 21320, or [email protected].