PHIT America calls for more activity in your daily life

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – A national non-profit organization is working to reverse what it calls America’s “inactivity pandemic.” Mike May from PHIT America stopped by 41 Today to tell us more about it.

PHIT America stands for Personal Health Investment Today. According to PHIT, the U.S. Army says 75% of 17-24 year olds are not fit enough to serve this country and 80 million Americans are inactive.

May says anyone can get active, whether it is taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking, jogging, or playing a sport.

May says PHIT is focused reminding people that we are engineering activity out of our lives and pushes for the return of daily PE for all students in all grades across the country.

To learn more about PHIT America, visit

August 18, 2014 | Posted in