Quilts, Textiles and Fibers Exhibit in Macon
MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – The Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon is proud to present “Quilts, Textiles and Fibers.”
It’s a three-gallery exhibition highlighting the difference between traditional quilt making and more modern takes on textiles and fiber arts.
Judy Bales, textile and fiber artist, uses recyclable materials to create her art.
She stretches the conventional notions of art by finding beauty in unlikely places.
“As a mixed media artist, I create fabric-like structures from materials that are not technically fibers, but that can be manipulated as one manipulates threads or yarn,” said Bales. “I refer to these strutures or surfaces as ‘textile terrains,’ further alluding to the concept of creating a ‘landscape’ within the gallery.”
The exhibit runs from January 14th until May 18th, and you can catch Bales Thursday at noon for her “Meet The Artist” segment at the museum.
She will speak about her installation and other work she has done in the auditorium.
YKK Inc. is contributing to the fiber art installation by providing Bales’ materials for her work in Macon.