Workshop provides help for adult learners
FORT VALLEY, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Adults ages 25 and over who never attended college, but are interested in doing so, have a chance to learn how they can enroll by attending a free workshop at Fort Valley state University.
‘Advance2Go’ provides coaching tips for the COMPASS exam, which is a required test for admission in Georgia colleges.
Participants will initially take a diagnostic test, so educators can determine the area(s) each individual needs support in.
Before the two-week session is complete, students will take an official COMPASS test.
According to a release, trained instructors and individual tutors will work with students.
You can expect instructors to also talk about: the application process, financial aid, study skills and more relevant topics.
College Access Challenge Grant provides funding for the free event.
Advance2Go will be held at the Warner Robins Campus on May 4-15 from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
For more information, call (478) 827-FVSU.
April 20, 2015 | Posted in Community